Tuesday, June 30, 2009

everything is new.

we have had this blog for a couple of months now and you would think that two people with nothing to do would be able to create their blog. we have actually been quite busy though! we moved from Ada to Oklahoma City. the problem with being a teacher is that when you move you don't just have your home to move, but a whole classroom worth of stuff and in our case two whole classrooms. whew, what a mess, luckily everything is finally organized...for the most part. 

here is our new house in The Village. it is a pretty old house, but we love all of the character!

when we moved in our flower beds had been completely dug up by the previous owners leaving only ugly bushes and huge holes behind. 

evidence a. 

evidence b. 

a lot of our time, money and energy has gone into landscaping our yard. here are some pics of the latest.